Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Hello there!

We meet again. I want to just let you know that I had celebrated the birthday of my angel Cassandra Shan, this past July 17th. If she were to be with us, she would have been eight years now. It was heart breaking though, but I am glad I can celebrate her birthday in my heart and that she can live within my heart. Happy Birthday Baby Cassandra Shan.

I want to share with you all about my son. My daughter Abeni calls him Chottu, we were all calling him Chottu for the time being. After a long struggle in finding a name we thought that Cavin Shawn would be a good choice and my wife also liked the name. So....... may be we will be calling him with that name.
This is my son who is growing faster than we all think. He is beginning to respond and soon will be able to see all of us. Continue to pray for his health and future.

Warm regards ultil next time,
